Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭


Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章River » 2013-01-07, 00:03

週末把手上一對BJC換成的Eichmann RCA....
看來渦流效應真的有這回事, 不可不信, 而且差別還真的不小
雖然也是在run線, 但居然一個星期天讓我專心只聽CD(我放在CD to pre), 從來沒這樣的感覺
最主要是聲音的層次以及音色更豐富了, 4顆唐竹賣NT1800, 我覺得是值得
讓我手上這條Belden製的BJC的細節可以比美我在用的Siltech 4-40.
只是的確不好銲, 一過熱損及塑膠變形就毀了, 所以要小心
建議Ken可以試試看, 應該會讓你的Carnare更上一層樓
文章: 515
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 18:58

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章LSP000 » 2013-01-07, 08:35

恭喜 River兄過了第一關.
記得儘量小心插拔這頭, 否則......
祝...關關難過關關過. ^___^
文章: 270
註冊時間: 2012-09-13, 17:47

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章River » 2013-01-07, 10:34

多謝提醒 8-) 8-)
文章: 515
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 18:58

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章River » 2013-01-07, 13:24

雖然持續run in中, 但是深感音響一路下來多少不正確的端子處理, 吃掉了多少音樂的表情 :o :o
現在就只有耐用度的問題要確認了 :lol:
文章: 515
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 18:58

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章River » 2013-01-07, 16:13

剛邊聽音樂邊整理資料.....這個頭真的是恐怖加可怕, 它真的還原了音樂給你, 另一方面, 讓你感受到之前的訊號在這裡loss以及被汙染了多少
我只是不自禁的想純銀版的Eichmann (NT2k for one)會是什麼境界

Connecting the Bullet Plug to Your Cables

Please note - before you connect the Bullet Plug to cables we advise that you allow the polymer of the plug to adjust to the RCA socket. Simply heat the Bullet Plug flange (red or black section of plug) gently with a hairdryer, insert into socket and allow the polymer to cool.

The Bullet Plug connector is a product that needs to be handled delicately. The return pin of the Bullet Plug is small and not as robust as the return on standard RCA plugs. Of course this also accounts for the improved sound quality. If you have limited soldering experience, we are able to do the job.

The Bullet Plug is designed to accept any interconnect, digital or video cable up to 9mm diameter. This accounts for most cables. (Large cables can also be accommodated if you strip the outer sheath and feed the insulated conductors through the housing.)

Step 1
Unscrew the plastic housing and slide the cable through. The front section of the Bullet Plug comprises two contact pins - the signal (large pin) and return (small pin). Both pins have a solder platform at the rear of the pin that is thinner than the rest of the pin.

The platform heats up rapidly allowing quick and easy soldering. This means your soldering iron needs only minimal time in contact with the pins to melt solder. Excess contact time with the soldering iron may deform the plastic polymer housing.

Here's a tip. Insert the Bullet Plug into a secured, but unconnected RCA socket first. This will free up both hands and allow more precise soldering. Always support the cable throughout the soldering process, so the weight of the cable does not exert undue force on the pins.

Step 2
Tin both the wire and platform. And please only use enough solder to make a good connection - don't drown the platform in solder. For best results use eutectic (flowing type) solder or solder with high silver content together with a flux.

Step 3
Solder the return conductor to the return (small) pin. If the return conductor of your cable comprises multiple strands - twist these together and tin before connecting to the return pin. If the return conductor is in the form of a braid - split the braid, gently twist and tin before connecting to the return pin.

Ensure that the return conductor is formed (eg. You may need to gently bend the conductor) so the conductor sits flush in the soldering platform. The objective is to have the return conductor sit comfortably in the solder platform without pressure or stress on the wire.

The small dimension of the return pin can make soldering large groups of wires difficult, however the small size of the pin also contributes to the dramatic sound improvement of the Bullet Plug over standard RCA plugs. As you complete the connection to the return pin, you may notice that the return pin can rotate with the tension of the conductor. This is normal. Simply rotate the pin to a comfortable angle in relation to the signal pin. When you screw down the outer housing, the return pin is locked in this position.

Step 4
Solder the signal conductor to the centre (large) pin.

Step 5
Reattach housing. When reattaching the housing continue to support the cable to avoid undue force on the pins. For 9mm diameter cables, use a silicon spray on the cable to allow smooth rotation of the outer housing.

Step 6
Secure the grub screw to support the cable. Avoid penetrating the cable - a gentle securing action is all that is required.

Step 7
Enjoy better sound! Take your time, prepare your conductors prior to connection, use good solder - and benefit from the improved signal transmission the Bullet Plug can provide. Please note: The Bullet Plug is a firm fit on RCA sockets to start. The polymer used in the plug is designed to adjust after a few hours on the socket.

Using Cables with Bullet Plug Connectors

If you're using a cable incorporating Bullet Plug connectors you may find the plug is a firm fit on RCA sockets to start. This is normal. For some reason RCA sockets tend to vary in size, so Eichmann designed the Bullet Plug to cater to most (if not all) sizes. The polymer used in the plug is a special PBT and glass fibre blend that allows the plug to adjust (and stay adjusted) after a few hours on the socket.
文章: 515
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 18:58

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章LSP000 » 2013-01-07, 18:44

Trust me, WBT-0110 比較容易上手. ;-)
插拔也比較正常些, 用不著吹風機..... :lol:

笨設計就是笨設計, 哪來一大堆理由與注意事項... :evil:

PS 1, 十年多前, 在歐洲逛超市, 有個產品吸引了我的注意. 歐洲人在美美的不鏽鋼片上, 開了三個不同大小的美美的圓洞. 標示著妳可以用來量 spaghetti, 最小的洞是一人份, 中間那個次小的洞是兩人份, 最大的洞是三人份; 無言...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
PS 2, 這產品直到現在還看得到. :o :o
文章: 270
註冊時間: 2012-09-13, 17:47

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章River » 2013-01-07, 19:01

我不介意...我比較喜歡originality..... :lol: :lol:
而且我比較在意C/P值.... :twisted: :twisted:
文章: 515
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 18:58

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章yeh捨 » 2013-01-07, 21:22

我投 Neutrik Pro一票.

文章: 425
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 16:33

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章River » 2013-01-07, 22:22

yeh捨 寫:我投 Neutrik Pro一票.


新式避免Eddy current的design真的是有用, 而且效果會讓你嚇一跳
Eichmann的頭目前我已經插拔十來次了(因為比來比去), 再看一堆廠線也在用, 應該沒這麼脆弱啦 :lol: :lol:
文章: 515
註冊時間: 2012-09-05, 18:58

Re: Eichmann bullet plug RCA頭

文章drunkenlife » 2013-01-07, 23:55

River 寫:看來渦流效應真的有這回事, 不可不信, 而且差別還真的不小
雖然也是在run線, 但居然一個星期天讓我專心只聽CD(我放在CD to pre), 從來沒這樣的感覺
最主要是聲音的層次以及音色更豐富了, 4顆唐竹賣NT1800, 我覺得是值得
讓我手上這條Belden製的BJC的細節可以比美我在用的Siltech 4-40.
只是的確不好銲, 一過熱損及塑膠變形就毀了, 所以要小心
建議Ken可以試試看, 應該會讓你的Carnare更上一層樓




文章: 21461
註冊時間: 2012-08-28, 01:47


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